Ashley Medel


My name is Ashley Medel. I am a rising sophmore and this summer I felt the pressure of being in high school. The pressure of actually having to be productive throughout the summer, so I joined Girls Who Code. Although the programs were only two weeks long, I learned several things. I learned how to use CSS, Java Script, and HTML. It was not easy learning how to code. However, it was a new experience that I fairly enjoyed. I got to incorporate several of my interests into my projects. I always found an excuse to insert gifs from my favorite shows or wholesome memes from twitter.

Things I learned from peers:

Throughout the two weeks in this course I learned several things. I learned how to create a slideshow using Java Script, how to create a button using HTMl, how to position a div using CSS. However, the most valuable things I learned came from my peers. Ana taught me how to create a function, something so simple yet so useful. Deanna taught me countless things from how to simplify CSS, to how to create colorful buttons.

Hopes For My Future:

I walked into this course not knowing anything about coding. I had just opened up my world to coding a few weeks beforehand, and since then I knew I enjoyed coding. It was something I got a thrill out of and wanted to continue exploring. Therefore, I hope I can continue learning how to code. Especially because I am still pretty bad but I like this so I am going to continue pursuing this.

My Advice for Other Young Girls:

A few weeks ago I knew nothing about coding. I barely even know the basics right now but I know I like it. I know I like creating beautiful things out of nothing. Coding gives you the power to create magnificent items with just a few brackets and semicolons. Coding is not easy but if you know you like technology or anything STEM I say you give computer science a try because you will not lose anything.